If you’re stressed and you need immediate relief, this episode is for you. The is the quickest and easiest way to help manage stress. And it’s something we do every single day without thinking about it! The goal in finding ways to manage our stress is to become more resilient to stress and by having outlets to manage our stress, we’re less likely to make choice that don’t benefit us long term.
Are you scared to increase your prices? If you add value, you can increase your prices. In today’s episode you’ll learn four ways to easily add value to your guest’s experience. Be encouraged to implement these positive changes. It’s not an unknown. You don’t have to fear repercussions. You will be doing what others have successfully done before you.
Do you like to sweat? Ah, yes! This is my favorite way to de-stress. And in today’s episode I’ll share why this is and my personal rules to successful exercise. Are you ready to feel great, look fabulous and live the life you deserve?
Do you have like-minded, local businesses that are industry friendly to partner with? If not, you could be missing out on huge opportunities. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss what partnerships are, how to choose the best partners for your business and how exactly you can help each other. There is power to partnerships!
Are you stressed? Stress is typically viewed as a negative, yet we may have positive stress in our lives. Such as, starting a business, training new staff members while maintaining the same level of personal productivity, increasing your client base, adding work hours or fitness challenges to your schedule. All of which are seemingly good. However, your body reacts similarly to positive or negative stress. Join me in a quickie tips series where I’ll cover five ways to manage stress. Today, we’ll talk about the importance of sleep!
Are you tired of setting goals that magically seem to dissipate after a few weeks? Do you wish areas of your career and life would improve but struggle to define them? Can you visualize a better life, yet struggle with where to start? You’re not alone. Today I’ll introduce the secret to keeping your goals and offer you a FREE tool to guide your short-term and long-term goals. Change starts here.
The last of our self-mastery series! The topic of family and social go hand in hand because it’s all about the people. Join me today as we talk about healthy, thriving relationships both with family and socially among friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
Have you ever proclaimed an affirmation and your brain called your bluff? Here's an example of what you might say. "I am a New York Times bestselling author". The problem is your brain knows that isn’t true. And because it’s not the true, your brain say’s “no you’re not!” In today’s episode, I share how to modify your affirmations so they work to your benefit!
Will your spiritual growth effect you r personal development? My answer is 100% yes! Learn why I’m so passionate about my faith and why I believe my faith is the most important piece to unlocking your self-mastery success!
Have you ever performed a service that you felt in your gut was not going to go well? We’ve all gone against our gut at some point. And I would bet most of us have later regretted that decision. Learn how to identify the red flags, and how to graciously say no when you know it’s just not the right day, fit, or client for you.
Do you desire growth and development for your career? If you answered yes, you and I are going to be greatly inspired from today’s episode. I want to share the top three ways you can advance yourself in your career, all while keeping the main thing, the main thing.
Are you a parent to a pet? If you have pets that you fully recognize as your children…you’ll relate to the lessons I learned from our cat, Ellie when we moved into our house a few years ago. I promise it’s not as weird as it sounds, ha!
How do you master the financial part of your life? Do you have financial goals each month? Do you have long-term financial goals? In our conversation today, I’ll share three strategies to becoming a master of your financial future!
Do you understand what it takes to change? After learning what [D x V] + F > R means, you may finally acknowledge why you have or have not changed. Once you identify how this formula can be implemented in your life, I believe real change can and will begin. The question is, are you ready?
Would you agree that re-booking your clients is an absolute must if you want to be successful in the beauty industry long term? Have you struggled with getting your clients to re-book? Join me today for a simple strategy that you can easily implement with every client starting today. Once you master this sales skill, you won’t have to fear the unknowns of your financial future.
What the heck is displacement and how can you apply it to your life? Learn why the best defense is to be on the offense. If there are bad habits you’d like to break or you’d like to breakup with negative people in your life, then displacement could be the key ingredient to positive change.
Do you agree that advancing your education will advance your level of success? I believe a huge part of self-mastery is committing to increasing your knowledge. Do you have the desire to learn? How are you taking it upon yourself to become better educated? Join me in a conversation about increasing your intelligence and learn my preferred outlets and strategies to advancing your knowledge.
What do you want to accomplish that you’ve been putting off? It’s time to get after it. It’s time to just do it! You cannot control what tomorrow will bring. All you have is right now. The present is most certainly a gift! Do not let the fear of the unknowns stop you from putting yourself and your talents out there.
Are you branding yourself on social media? The answer is yes! Right now whether you recognize it or not, you’re creating your personal brand. Think of yourself as a trustworthy Politian that everyone loves. “You’re joking, right Kati”? Nope! Let me explain the mindset I believe will benefit you as you’re beginning your career.
Your “job” on social media is to run a likeable campaign because today you’ll be the brand behind whatever position you take and whatever life role you play. Here are some rules to play by so you have a winning self-brand!
Do you have a scarcity or an abundance mindset? I’ve struggled with this very topic and I suspect some of you have as well. Today I want to share why history proves we’ll never run out of resources. We can have it all and profits are yours for the taking!
We all desire our businesses to run like a well-oiled profitable machine. But, are we treating our body with the same attention and care? Are you energetic and productive? If you’re not living up to your fullest potential, it is most definitely effecting your ability to reach a higher level of success. I’m pretty passionate about this topic friends. I understand the pain of regret. If you struggle with sleep, nutrition, stress or fitness, this topic is a must.
Have you heard someone say, “don’t project your issues on me!” If you watch any of Shonda Rhimes television shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder, I’m sure you’ve been engulfed with the dramatic conversations among hyper-psychological characters.
Projection is when you take your issues and make them other people’s issues. In today’s quickie tip, you’ll confront what you may be projecting on to others. And if you’re like me, once you’re aware…you enjoy freedom from those judgements.
Do you have time? Do you have a pen & paper handy? Because today’s topic is robust and you may want to take notes.
I was told once to be slow to hire and quick to fire. In the world of retail, it can be difficult to know if the candidates you’re vetting are really who you think they are. In today’s episode I’ve given you the steps we use to hire the RIGHT people. Most importantly, you have to trust your gut. Even once you’ve hired someone and one month or six months in, you have that gut feeling…you have to trust that feeling! Your team should build each other up so you must protect them from poisonous people who could potentially break them down.
Are you setting and achieving your goals? If not, here’s an easy strategy that will help you build momentum so you’re encouraged to keep them up! I believe by creating this snow ball effect you will have a higher success rate in maintaining the consistency necessary in order to actually get what you’ve always wanted. It’s one step at a time, one day, week and month at a time.
Do you believe there are no accidents? I believe everything happens for a reason. And I believe the role you’re playing in life and the role you’ll play in the future is not only meant to be, but you were born for this. We will all face adversity and that will shape us into who we were meant to be. Are you ready to embrace your role, face your fears and live life to the fullest?