Have you heard someone say, “don’t project your issues on me!” If you watch any of Shonda Rhimes television shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal or How to Get Away with Murder, I’m sure you’ve been engulfed with the dramatic conversations among hyper-psychological characters.
Projection is when you take your issues and make them other people’s issues. In today’s quickie tip, you’ll confront what you may be projecting on to others. And if you’re like me, once you’re aware…you enjoy freedom from those judgements.
Do you have time? Do you have a pen & paper handy? Because today’s topic is robust and you may want to take notes.
I was told once to be slow to hire and quick to fire. In the world of retail, it can be difficult to know if the candidates you’re vetting are really who you think they are. In today’s episode I’ve given you the steps we use to hire the RIGHT people. Most importantly, you have to trust your gut. Even once you’ve hired someone and one month or six months in, you have that gut feeling…you have to trust that feeling! Your team should build each other up so you must protect them from poisonous people who could potentially break them down.
Are you setting and achieving your goals? If not, here’s an easy strategy that will help you build momentum so you’re encouraged to keep them up! I believe by creating this snow ball effect you will have a higher success rate in maintaining the consistency necessary in order to actually get what you’ve always wanted. It’s one step at a time, one day, week and month at a time.
Do you believe there are no accidents? I believe everything happens for a reason. And I believe the role you’re playing in life and the role you’ll play in the future is not only meant to be, but you were born for this. We will all face adversity and that will shape us into who we were meant to be. Are you ready to embrace your role, face your fears and live life to the fullest?
What if you treated your business like a franchise? Here are strategies to control the expectations for each client whether it’s their first or thirty-first visit to your salon or barbershop. The key to substantial success lies Beyond The Technique!
When clients see your logo or hear about your business, what do you want them to think? Does your business have the brand recognition you’re hoping? Could any one of your clients name your top three niches? Today, learn why sounding like a broken record is a very smart advertising strategy.
Is getting more referrals really as simple as asking for more referrals? Find out why it’s easier than you think, who you should be asking and how you should be asking them! And remember the 80/20 rule. You will receive 80% of your referrals from 20% of your clients. Define who they are and expand your client base with your biggest fans!
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. In the few moments you meet someone new, what “legacy” are you leaving with them? Without losing your authenticity, discover what characteristics you want to portray when you’re meeting a new client or networking with new business professionals.
Would you agree that common sense is not common? Sometimes we don’t even realize what we’re doing or not doing that could be sabotaging our success in sales. Learn what mistakes you could be making and how to fix them!
How many of you would like to have an 838% increase in profits this first quarter compared to last year? Who pushes you to become better? Learn why I finally took the plunge and hired a business coach. Learn how to create a list of the right accountability partners for your life and the steps you’ll take to begin working with them. If you have goals, if you want to get to the next level, I believe accountability is a necessity.
Ask yourself these questions to discover the similarities in your life. Will this help uncover your purpose? I believe it will get your wheels turning in the right direction!
Imagine that you were a huge fan of sushi. And tonight you have the choice to go to a buffet that offers a huge selections of options which includes a sushi bar. Or you could visit the number one sushi restaurant in the city where all they offer is sushi. Which experience would you prefer? Learn why setting your business apart from your competitors is essential for success and long term security.
Do you compare yourself to others? Do you believe this is healthy? I believe it depends on your beliefs about yourself. There are ways in which we compare ourselves that are unhealthy and simply unnecessary. And there are ways we can compare ourselves to others that could bring us tremendous momentum!
Do you have a goal? Have you or anyone you’ve met said, “I just don’t feel like it”? Challenge yourself to think differently! Kati will share examples of how to implement the same principles businesses do to create lasting systems for your personal life. One year from now, you too could be a completely different professional!
How embarrassing! You went to meet someone you’ve been networking with online and couldn’t find them in the coffee shop because they looked NOTHING like they did in their picture! Maybe this is you? Could it be that you’re comparing yourself to the past? Be empowered to accept yourself right where you’re at. Be authentic!
Would you shop at Bed Bath & Beyond without a coupon? Neither would we… Would you expect huge discounts at Lululemon? Neither would we! Discover why discounts do not work. Learn ways to get new clients in your business without devaluing your services and/or products. Join Kati in a movement to earn your worth!
They say that practice makes perfect. However, perfection doesn’t exist! What does is exist is the outcome you produce which is an accumulation of your experience, education and dedication. Don’t screw yourself out of your potential. Instead, be empowered to take the necessary steps to evolve into a master professional.
Raise your hand if you’re happy with your current salary? Raise your hand if you want more sales? Get excited to implement these easy tips on how to be successful in sales. You’ll learn about the sales process and how to get people to go from knowing you, to buying from you. Are you willing to try something new?